What to Do If a Family Member with Dementia Goes Missing

Missing person

Dealing with a family member who has dementia can be challenging, and one of the most distressing situations is when they go missing. It’s important to know how to respond calmly and efficiently in such a situation. In the United Kingdom, where support systems are well-established, there are steps you can take to ensure the safety and well-being of your loved one. This article provides guidance on what to do if a family member with dementia goes missing.

Stay Calm and Act Quickly

The first and most crucial step is to remain as calm as possible. It’s natural to feel anxious, but maintaining a composed demeanor will help you think clearly and make effective decisions. As soon as you realise that your family member is missing, take immediate action. Search the immediate surroundings, including their usual spots and nearby areas, to see if they’ve wandered off.

Inform the Authorities

If you’re unable to locate your loved one within a reasonable time frame, you must call your country’s police emergency number (in the UK this is 999). The police have experience in handling missing person cases and can initiate a search. Provide them with all the relevant information about your family member’s appearance, any distinctive features, and what they were wearing when they were last seen.

Inform Neighbours and Community

Engage your neighbours and the local community in the search efforts. Inform them about the situation and provide them with a recent photograph of your family member. This increases the chances of someone spotting them and notifying you or the authorities.

Use Technology and Social Media

In today’s digital age, technology can be a powerful ally in locating missing individuals. Share information about your family member on social media platforms and local community groups. Include a recent photo, their physical description, and any other relevant details. This can quickly spread the word and increase the likelihood of someone recognising and reporting their whereabouts.

Contact Dementia Charities for Assistance

Dementia charities in the UK offer valuable resources and assistance in cases like these. The Alzheimer’s Society and Dementia UK are two prominent organisations that provide support for families dealing with dementia-related issues. They can offer guidance, advice, and even help spread the word about the missing person through their networks.

Utilise Support from the NHS

The National Health Service (NHS) also offers guidance for situations involving missing individuals with dementia. Their comprehensive advice includes steps to take, contact information, and recommendations for ensuring your loved one’s safety. You can find more information on the NHS Dementia website.

In Conclusion…

Having a family member with dementia go missing is a distressing experience, but there are steps you can take to improve the chances of their safe return. Stay calm, act quickly, involve the authorities, inform the community, and use the power of technology to spread the word. Additionally, the support of dementia charities and the NHS can be invaluable during such difficult times. Remember, you’re not alone – there are resources and people ready to help you navigate this challenging situation.